Dependent personalities are often closely associated with compulsive behavior. Often the need for control is the basis of individual dependence, and this in itself can cause most stresses and negative problems in the family.Although much of the information available about addictive people focuses mainly on substance abuse, the problem can be much more subtle and less fatal than drugs or alcohol.
Exciting personalities can manifest themselves in various ways, which, at first glance, may not be recognized as such.
Regardless of whether this addiction is an insatiable need, instant gratification, attention, guarantees of love, or simply always in the first place on the household’s priority list, the damage can be just as emotionally devastating as any drug or alcohol problem.
In cases of an emotionally dependent person, those who live with this person may find that they are constantly offered to “prove” their love, care or appreciation to the dependent person. Estimated emotional tests are often conducted by an addicted person through creating crises in the home. An unsuccessful “test” and days or weeks of panic and chaos may follow. This panic and chaos sacrifice the needs of everyone else in the house if it is not controlled.
To avoid this cycle of behavior, it is imperative that those living with an addictive personality learn to disconnect from these attempts. Commitment to the individual only exacerbates the problem, as tests will remain more complex as long as the addictive person gets the desired results.
Breaking the cycle is certainly a painful process. A person’s dependence will interpret the refusal to participate in these tests as a confirmation of their fears that they are not loved, appreciated and not appreciated. However, concentrating on restoring them in order to understand that the exaggerated adaptation of their requirements does not symbolize love, this can be a successful process.
To do this, you need to show a lot of patience and sympathy. However, none of them should be confused with the delivery of your goal. The addicted person in your life will panic when your methods no longer bring the satisfaction you once had. This is to be expected, and it is in no way a sign that the process is unsuccessful.
In summary
To begin this process, tell your loved one that you have decided that drama and chaos should end now and that there is a zero-tolerance policy for manipulative behavior. Explain to your loved one that your love is unconditional and that it is based on issues that go far beyond superficial actions and meet your frivolous requirements. In fact, tell them that the same love that they so desperately want requires limits and boundaries. Without this, love is not love, but control, manipulation, and sometimes even obsession.